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Awarded gold medal in sustainability review

2024, Nolato was awarded a Gold Medal by EcoVadis, placing us in the top 4% of over 130,000 companies assessed globally for sustainability! 

EcoVadis is one of the world’s leading institutions for the assessment of companies’ sustainability work. Its methods are based on international standards such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000, which is the definitive standard for organizations’ social responsibility.

Their assessments focus on how well companies integrate sustainability into their business strategies and management systems.

EcoVadis also looks at how companies manage their environmental impact, working conditions, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. And on top of that they examine how transparently companies report their sustainability work, and how their suppliers manage the same issues.

Last year, EcoVadis awarded Nolato a silver medal, placing the company among the top 13 percent in the review. This year we’ve improved in several areas and were awarded a gold medal, moving us up to the top four percent of the more than 130,000 companies that have been assessed, with a rating of 75 out of 100.

“We have achieved this mainly through four key measures,” comments Kristian Sandberg, Group Sustainability Manager at Nolato:

  • We have improved the sustainability reporting in our 2023 annual report and made it more transparent.
  • We provide a comprehensive report on the Group’s carbon footprint, including Scope 3 and emissions in each Scope 3 category.
  • Our emissions targets have been validated and approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
  • We have developed a code of conduct for suppliers, and created a new procurement initiative that demonstrates how we encourage suppliers to reduce their carbon footprint, and how through this we offer high-performing suppliers greater recognition throughout the Group, enabling them to acquire more business within Nolato. So a win-win concept.

“Besides these four points we’ve also introduced a number of other improvements that have helped boost our rating, such as a higher proportion of ISO 14001-certified Group companies (83 percent in 2024 compared to 72 percent in 2022). The aim is for all of them to be certified in 2024.
“In two years we’ve gone from an overall rating of 54 to 75 out of 100, so that’s an increase of almost 40 percent,” explains Kristian Sandberg. “Our score for sustainable procurement has doubled from 40 to 80 during the same period.”

  • Nolato
  • Sustainability
  • Nolato Magasin

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